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Nitrogen generator machine NG1000

Nitrogen genrator machine Principle

Nitrogen generator machine uses electro-catalysis method to separate air gas. Stable and pure air enters electrolysis cell, and oxygen in the air is separated, then left nitrogen gas is outputted.

Features of nitrogen generator machine

1. Program control. Nitrogen gas could be adjusted automatically according to usage flow under stable pressure and flow.

2. Advanced technology. It uses noble metal as catalyst, high catalytic efficiency and large nitrogen production.

3. Two-level catalysis. Oxygen content in nitrogen is less than 3ppm.

4. Lower moisture in nitrogen gas.

Application of nitrogen generator machine:
1.Carrier gas for various name brands Gas Chromatography and detectors.
2.ECD Makeup gas
3.Gas Chromatography Purge gas
2.Supplementary gas. 
3.Carrier gas for OTR instrument
4.Carrier gas for WVTR instrument
5.Other pure N2 application
Shc-N1000 Nitrogen Generator Price 99.999% Purity

Technical Parameters of nitrogen genenerator

Output Flow (ml/min)0~5000~1000
Output Pressure (MPa)0.42
Nitrogen Purity (%)99.999 (compared with O2 )
Input Air Pressure (MPa)0.5
Power Voltage (V)220±15%  50~60Hz
Weight (kg)<16<35

 Please contact us if you have interest to our Instrument,our contact information is listed below:

if you need smaller capcity nitrogen generator or bigger model nitrogen generator,please email us to [email protected]

Besides nitrogen generator,we also provide hydrogen generator.