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Education fuel cell combined electrolyzer

Education fuel cell combined electrolyzer setup include water electrolyzer,fuel cell module,current meter,voltage meter and fan.

It is designed for teaching use to help student easy understand how electroltzer work,how fuel cell work.Student learn the corresponding knowleage intuitively.

we are professional education kit supplier,please kindly contact us whenever you have related need for education kit.

education fuel cell
education fuel cell kit with electrolyser

Operation Step of Education fuel cell combined electrolyzer :

1.connect the electrolyzer H2 outlet with the h2 inlet of fuel by the pipe.

2.connect the fuel cell with voltage and current meter and the fan motor.

3.add water to electroltzer.

4.connect DC electricity to anode and cathod of the electrolyzer.

fuel cell electrolyzer unit

Besides educationals use fuel cell and electrolyzer.we also have bigger capacity professional fuel cell and PEM electrolzyer.