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alkaline electrolyzer cell 500ml/min

Product Description of the alkaline electrolyzer cell

alkaline hydrogen electrolyzer cell is to electrolysis KOH liquid to produce hydrogen.It split water into pure hydrogen and pure oxygen.

it is key part of pure hydrogen production equipment.


1.Key part to make hydrogen production equipmen

2.Produce pure hydrogen

3.Produce pure oxygen

Working Principle:

The operational principle of this instrument is traditional electrolyzing lye. The conducting medium in the cell

is water solution of KOH. The membrane between the two electrode chambers is for the navigation electrolysis

equipment. After electrifying direct current, the electrochemical reaction of water molecule occurs. It produces

oxygen on the anode, and hydrogen on the cathode. The reaction equation is as follows:


2OH–2e →

H2O 1/2O2↑

Cathode: 2H2O 2e

2OH- H2↑

Final reaction equation: 2H2O →

2 H2↑ O2↑

The pressure control, protective pressure, flow display and flow tracking are all automatic control. The

hydrogen output is self-regulation according to the using hydrogen flow under stable pressure (in the range of

output flow).

Features and Advantags

1.Easy to operate, safe and reliable, adding lye only for one time, only replenishing distilled water, switching

power on to produce gas(available for several sets of gas chromatography)

2.Drum-shaped electrolysis cell, high-grade stainless steel 316L used as material for electrolysis cell.

3.High electrolysis efficiency. Gas purity and output flow will stay regular under continual use.

alkaline electrolyzer cell

Besides alkaline electrolyzer cell,we also have complete alkaline hydrogen generators.

besides alkaline hydrogen cell,we also have PEM hydrogen cell.